Welcome to Goring-on-Thames in Bloom's website
Plans for 2025
Goring on Thames in Bloom will be entering the Thames and Chilterns Region Britain in Bloom competition once more.
Diary details are being worked up for this which may see us with GOLD for the tenth time!
Diary details are being worked up for this which may see us with GOLD for the tenth time!
Watch this space!
Annual Plant Sale
The Plant Sale will be held on the Rectory Gardens on Saturday 3rd May from 10:00 until 13:00
Bring & Buy - plants and garden items welcome on the day
Bring & Buy - plants and garden items welcome on the day
New Planters beside the Loos - 14th May 2024
On 14th May two new planters, donated by Bernard Novell, were positioned and planted up by Janet Hurst.
Plant sale success
On 11 May villagers thronged the Rectory Garden in Goring to pick up some gardening bargains at Goring on Thames in Bloom’s annual plant sale. Bloomers had grown and donated a wonderful selection of vegetable, herb and fruit plants which were soon snapped up. Tomato plants were probably the most popular item. Also available to buy was a large selection of perennials, shrubs and trees for people wanting to pep up their borders or fill a new bed. The Bloomers were happy to give the customers gardening advice, as well as to sell them plants. Over £750 was raised at the sale, which will help to replenish the coffers that have been raided recently to buy the summer planting for containers around the village. Thanks to everyone for their support.
New planters on Goring and Streatley Station
As well as the large, colourful and attractive bed of shrubs, grasses and perennial planting which brighten the otherwise utilitarian, hard landscaping on Platform 4, regular users of the station may have noticed three splendid new wooden planters adding to the green environment. These replace the previous painted troughs that had reached the end of their useful lives.
The new containers have now been filled with compost and planted up by Bloomers Jacqueline Wilkins and Marilyn Chambers. With the help of other volunteers they will look after the containers as they mature throughout the year.
Tribute to Myrna Anderson
Myrna Anderson, one of Bloom’s earliest volunteers and guiding lights, sadly died in June 2022. Myrna, who was the wife of Goring Head Teacher, Michael Anderson, and a retired teacher herself, was already working as a volunteer at the Primary School when she joined the Bloom team. She used her gentle communication skills and love of nature to encourage the children to plant bulbs and flowers, vegetables and soft fruit. Her environmental work was recognised when the school’s newly created wild life garden won an award and was visited by non-other than Chris Packham.
Myrna also worked as a volunteer in the Village’s Environmental Group. She took a great interest in the flora and fauna that abounded in St Thomas’ churchyard and never failed to impress the RHS Britain in Bloom judges with her extensive knowledge and dedication to caring for the local environment.
Goring on Thames in Bloom has welcomed the opportunity to recognise everything Myrna did for our village and a plaque expressing our gratitude can now be seen proudly displayed on the middle of the three new planters.
The new containers have now been filled with compost and planted up by Bloomers Jacqueline Wilkins and Marilyn Chambers. With the help of other volunteers they will look after the containers as they mature throughout the year.
Tribute to Myrna Anderson
Myrna Anderson, one of Bloom’s earliest volunteers and guiding lights, sadly died in June 2022. Myrna, who was the wife of Goring Head Teacher, Michael Anderson, and a retired teacher herself, was already working as a volunteer at the Primary School when she joined the Bloom team. She used her gentle communication skills and love of nature to encourage the children to plant bulbs and flowers, vegetables and soft fruit. Her environmental work was recognised when the school’s newly created wild life garden won an award and was visited by non-other than Chris Packham.
Myrna also worked as a volunteer in the Village’s Environmental Group. She took a great interest in the flora and fauna that abounded in St Thomas’ churchyard and never failed to impress the RHS Britain in Bloom judges with her extensive knowledge and dedication to caring for the local environment.
Goring on Thames in Bloom has welcomed the opportunity to recognise everything Myrna did for our village and a plaque expressing our gratitude can now be seen proudly displayed on the middle of the three new planters.
Goring on Thames in Bloom is entirely self-funded and relies on sales, donations and grants to carry out its activities. Help with fundraising is always welcome!
Please visit the other pages within this site for more information on our local work